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4.2 ( 6592 ratings )
Economía y empresa
Desarrollador Humani ApS

Make the absolute most of your meetings and work relationships

The key to success in the workplace is effective collaboration: being on the same page while respecting and leveraging everyone’s unique ways of working. This needs more than processes and principles: it needs human connection.

Come better prepared to meetings with Humani:
◆ Create and share agendas (with quick templates)
◆ Assign action items to prepare or follow-up
◆ Bring in notes (privately or shared)

Develop stronger work relationships:
◆ Find out how your working styles compare
◆ Learn how to bridge differences in communication style
◆ Get tailored advice for any work challenge

Humani is always there to help you, with a deep understanding of you and your team.

→ Who has access to my profile?
Your profile is only shared with people in your organization and those you invite. The profile is designed to contain low-sensitive (but highly relevant) information about your work of working and communicating — it covers styles and preferences, not skills and qualities.

→ What happens to my calendar data?
Using the calendar integration is optional but highly recommended. Your calendar data is stored locally and never leaves your phone. Humani does not edit or store meeting information on our servers.

→ Do you use artificial intelligence and how is my data used?
Yes, Humani uses AI technology to generate highly personalised advice based on your profiles and our proprietary recommendation engine. All data is anonymised before AI processing.